Tag "Sylvia Plath"

Sylvia Plath and Victoria Wood: on rotting figs and reincarnation

Women are often smug about being able to multi task but maybe a facet of the ability to be in more than one place in your head at the same time is the sense that we could and should always be doing more, an awareness that there are others lives we could live. Below, Sylvia Plath and Victoria Wood both capture the angst perfectly: Plath beating herself up about it,

Sylvia Plath reads…

These recordings of American poet Sylvia Plath were made in late 1962, just a few months before she died. In them she reads from Ariel, the collection she left on the kitchen table to be found with her body. It is fascinating to hear her deliver, with her clipped New England vowels, the exact internal rhymes and rhythms she must have intended for each poem. She sounds mature – not