Free in Fife
It must be spring; the snowdrops have raised their delicate heads above ground. A great place to see them is on the Valleyfield Snowdrop guided walks hosted by West Fife Woodlands & Shiresmill Therapy Riding Centre. All are welcome to come along and join the free guided walks and hear the story of Valleyfield House and Estate. The Valleyfield House and Estate is a fascinating story; Fife’s answer to Downton
Dunfermline’s next Pecha Kucha is on Thursday 23 February, 7-9pm at Fire Station Creative. Each presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each. This is the fifth Dunfermline Pecha Kucha with standing room only left at the last two events. This event is organised by Fife Cultural Trust. This event will include presentations from · Rachel Lee – Fife based visual artist · Janet Henderson – Saje Scotland · Stephen
You may still be in denial that Christmas is happening but we’re going to tell you about a festive market anyway. This year Fire Station Creative is hosting its first Christmas market complete with mulled wine and mince pies. Timed to coincide with the Dunfermline’s High Street Christmas light switch-on Saturday 19 November, the market will be open from 10am until 4pm, with live music by Opus 8 at 2.30pm.
Following the success of Dunfermline’s last Pecha Kucha, an architecture-themed event which was hosted by Create in Fife and curated by Avocado Sweet as part of Blueprint Dunfermline, the next Pecha Kucha Dunfermline is being held on Wednesday 16 November between 7 and 9pm at Fire Station Creative, Dunfermline. This time the November event is being curated by Dunfermline-based artist Alan Grieve and presenters will include Dan Lyth – musician,
Nearly 400 years ago the King’s Poet, Ben Jonson walked from Culross Palace to Dunfermline Abbey. On Sunday 25 September you can join a guided walk inspired by his travels, finishing at Fire Station Creative where, from 4pm until 7pm, there will be live music and poetry. The walk starts at 10.30am beside Admiral Cochrane’s statue near the Palace and finishes at the Fire Station Creative at around 4pm. The
Dunfermline Children’s Gala Day has been an extraordinarily enduring occasion with this Saturday’s event being the 113th to take place in the town. Once simply a parade of local schoolchildren down the High Street to the Glen for a picnic and a play, it is now a day long extravaganza which takes the Gala Committee a full year to organise. These days over 3,000 primary school children, each supplied with a
Earlier this year, Create in Fife launched the Fife PechaKucha at Fire Station Creative in Dunfermline. The second event in their series is now planned for Thursday 30 June at FSC, between 7 and 9pm. PK Night started in Tokyo in February 2003 – PechaKucha is Japanese for chit chat – it was originally conceived as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
Dunfermline’s Fresh Air Festival (28 May) is fast becoming one of the best events of its kind, ambitious in scale with a range of activities almost too long to list and yet with a simple, outdoorsy, low cost vibe that makes for a great day out. The Festival is held in the Public Park (not the Glen!) which is handy for both bus and train with the train stopping virtually in
Painter Sharon Black, Ladybank and furniture designer Mark McCance, Kinloch are just two of the artists opening the doors of their studios to the public for the Open Studios North Fife weekend from Saturday 7 May to Monday 9 May. The weekend is an opportunity to see the interesting spaces in which artists work, to hear more about their methods and sources of inspiration, buy or commission something for your
Fire Station Creative, Dunfermline launches their next exhibition this Saturday, 20 February, which will showcase the work of two artists, Su Grierson and Kyra Clegg from Methven, Perthshire and Newburgh, Fife respectively. ‘Land of the Living’ is the title of their collaborative project in which they represent social aspects of the Scottish landscape with video, images and sound. In this exhibition they show 4 works, one of which is a prize-winning video installation