Food art is a funny and easy ingredient for many art and design blogs. Here Judith Klausner has done something different, creating very intricate and accomplished cameos with Oreo biscuits.


Judith Klausner explains: ‘My latest series uses Victorian handicraft processes to transform modern packaged foods, exploring how the intertwined histories of gender and craft have shaped one another and our everyday lives. I hope to change the way people see the small and often disregarded ephemera of life, and question what defines these things as ephemeral at all. What becomes mythologized, and what is discarded as mundane? Can the same set of skills that were once obligatory and unremarkable become valued craft simply based on a shift in cultural perspective?

I revel in minutiae. I hope to share the joy this brings me.’


All photographs by Steve Pomeroy.

Photographs by Steve Pomeroy.