Coat hooks, like calendars, are modest household items which seem to inspire a sort of mania in designers to come up with ever more stylish and innovative prototypes. The ones featured here should allow the design conscious to hammer home their aesthetic credentials the minute anyone steps into their home. Be aware however that when you hang more than one coat on your hooks you no longer see the design triumph underneath. Just saying.

Recycled bottle design by Lucirmas (£140). Retractable coat hooks shown at top by Desu Design, a hefty £350.

Above is Colin O’Dowd‘s Christopher and Beep, £34 and £40 each, and below is Ribbon, £70 from Purves and Purves.

A whimsical approach above by All Lovely Stuff – £24.95 each – above and Monsieur Dressup by Loyal Loot Collective below.

A playful, button faced hook, £11.95 from Skandivis above and Pipework, below,  £78 from Bouf.

Making a refreshing change from the New York or Paris skyline is this tribute to Stuttgart above, £85 from Y Living and, below, a cheery red duck, £16.49 from Firebox. Also available in bright blue.