Posts From Michelle McWilliams

Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People by Amy Sedaris

According to Amy Sedaris, it’s often said that ugly people craft and attractive people have sex. But in her new book Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People she does for crafting what she did so successfully for entertaining in her bestseller I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence. Described as a subversive take on the made-by-hand movement, Sedaris shows that anyone with a couple of hours to kill and access

Peter Callesen – good on paper

In the hands of Danish artist Peter Callesen a single sheet of white paper can spring to life as a god like figure freeing himself from the flat blank page, an ethereal fairytale palace, a delicate evening gown and a flying angel. It seems anything Calleson can imagine he can bring into existence using just paper and scissors. Some pieces are created using a single sheet of A4, others are large scale installations. Many

Jonny Hannah exhibition opens tomorrow in Ripon

The witty and vivid work of multi award winning Jonny Hannah will be on show from tomorrow in an exhibition called White Horses and Unquiet Graves at the Hornsey’s Gallery in Ripon, North Yorkshire. Jonny’s distinctive screenprints, linocuts and objets d’art, boldly coloured and featuring recurrent themes of Americana, jazz, childhood memories and folklore, are not only instantly recognisable and much emulated but increasingly coveted by collectors. Born in Dunfermline

Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival

The Music of the Woods by Edward Atkinson Hornel, 1906. Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival, starts today, 16th June and runs till the 19th June with a programme that focuses on traditional jazz.  Even if traditional jazz is not your thing the pretty town is worth a visit if you happen to be in the area.  Established as an artists colony from 1850 to 1950 it is said the quality of the

Dad's Chairs for Father's Day…Daddy Cool?

It's Father's Day this Sunday and it seemed timely to look at the controversy over the aesthetics of the Dad's chair.  Frasier's relationship with his father Martin Crane's battered yellow and green recliner chair, patched together with duct tape, sums up the design industry's relationship with TV recliner chairs.  When Martin moves himself and his beloved chair into Frasier's apartment the conversation goes along the following lines, Frasier: 'So what

Parasols – for some light and shade in the garden

A pretty, brightly coloured parasol is a good way to brighten up your garden should you have failed to coax many flowers into bloom. The gorgeous, vivid parasols above are from Hedgerow Studio in California. They are pricey, starting at $1399, but you get to choose your own combination of pattern and colour and can add lights too. Below is a sweet chinese umbrella, just £4.50 from The Chinese Shop and beneath

Mother knows best – why the old ways are back in style

A friend mentioned recently that she was thinking of buying a divan bed complete with padded headboard – it made me smile. This friend is as stylish as they come and her bedrooms over the years have been graced by the latest bedsteads in iron, leather and linen. But, sick of creaky springs, Ikea sized mattresses, wobbly frames and an uncomfortable reading position, she has decided that a divan may just be

Tales from Allotment 65 – on gooseberries and slugs

Nearly one month in and it is amazing how much we have achieved. Our friend Craig has built a fantastic new net cage over the new gooseberry bush which is now bearing tiny wee green gooseberries. We’ve planted a globe artichoke in there too but it will be 2012 before we see any artichoke action. I am taking great delight in making things from found stuff.   I salvaged some lovely

Ben Pentreath – architect and shopkeeper

  When an architect opens an interiors shop you expect minimalist style with 20th century design classics.  In contrast, Ben Pentreath's shops, online and bricks & mortar in literary Bloomsbury, look like they stock the artefacts and possessions of a collector.  The result is a shop that looks different from many contemporary interiors retailers and might remind visitors of  the Victorians who travelled the world to bring home curiosities and

Designer teatowels to dry for

While you are in the kitchen standing drying those dishes these witty teatowels may bring a smile to your face… 'Hey Suckas! Get your bad selves this Mr Tea Towel…I ain't doin' no dishes fool!  Please note: This product is not officially endorsed by Mr T', is how the product description reads.  Price £7.50. Cable Cars (right) is £8.50., an online boutique selling designer teatowels was started in