Posts From Michelle McWilliams

Villa Necchi Campiglio: star of I Am Love

Tilda Swinton in I AM LOVE, a Magnolia Pictures release. Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures. Described by Xan Brooks for The Guardian as ‘being a bit too tasteful’, the movie I Am Love, starring Tilda Swinton is still an opulent and sumptious visual feast if you are interested in design, interiors and fashion.  Some found the measured pace of the plot frustrating but the styling of the house and the

Camping it up

So T in the Park has come round again: part music festival part survivalist challenge, it’s become a rite of passage for teenagers and would be teenagers across Scotland. If you are heading to Kinross this weekend ready to rough it, how about rocking up with one of these spectacular tents? Beyonce may have one the same… The Bubble Lodge by Pierre Stephane Dumas is an inflatable, see through affair

About as much use as a chocolate Tea Pot

Products are increasingly made from unlikely materials; bicycles carved from mahagony, toilets built from poo, bridges constructed with cardboard, bathmats made from moss and sun loungers made from cork.  It’s quite possible that a designer is probably already working on a tea pot made from chocolate that doesn’t melt. Designers have risen to the sustainability challenge by recycling products from all sorts of materials that don’t appear fit for purpose but

The colourful world of Nathalie Lete

Welcome to the brightly coloured and slightly off kilter world of Nathalie Lete. In her workshop in Paris Nathalie uses different techniques and media from illustration and painting to ceramics and textiles. She describes her work as ‘naive and poetic’. She produces children’s and graphic books, knitted toys, painted dishes and rugs and her work is stocked in outlets around the world including, in the UK, Anthropologie, Couverture, Lapin and

Lloyd Loom: weaving its way around the world again

David Breese, a Lincolnshire furniture maker, started out restoring and selling pre-war original Lloyd Loom furniture.  When it became difficult to source sufficient good quality originals to meet growing demand  he decided to manufacture himself. In 1985 he began researching the techniques and  trained his workers until he had a skilled staff expert in the craft that had originally been learnt in 1920 when the process was invented. There was

Catalog Living

Catalog Living, ‘a glimpse into the exciting world of the people living in your catalogs’, is one of the funniest sites around. Ridiculously over styled, high concept roomsets from American interiors catalogs are brilliantly captioned by Molly Erdman to bring us the domestic highs and lows of Gary and Elaine, 1234 Fake Street, Anytown USA.  Apparently a book is in the offing – looking forward to it from this moment.

Tales from allotment 65: on pea weevils and topsoil…

Well I’m not sure where to start this month. Things are looking bleak on our patch and I’m feeling very despondent. I read somewhere recently that allotmenting is a marathon and not a sprint, if that is true then I have reached the wobbly legged stage when you think all is lost. All the green bean, courgette and pumpkin plants that I was so pleased with in my spare room

Festival anxiety: too many to choose from

Life was much simpler when there was just Glastonbury and the Edinburgh Festival.  The explosion of festivals; music, food, culture and literary, has made choosing a stress-inducing decision.  Although there’s no need to fret over the banana split festival; you’ve already missed it.  That was in Ohio in June.  In America though you would still face the anxiety of choosing between two testicle festivals; Montana’s Testicle Festival (or Testy Festy)

The Fife Diet: Working up an appetite for local food

Mike Small started the Fife Diet in 2007, a campaign to eat locally sourced food. Forty years ago he would have had his work cut out; chips, white bread, macaroni cheese pies, scotch pies topped with baked beans and mashed potato, and everything cooked with cloak of  batter or pastry.  Fast forward to 2011 and the Fife Diet is not a sitcom joke but a healthy, tasty selection of organic